Sunrise 07:11
Sunset 18:18
Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)
a) Beyond any hedge, fence, wall or line of white stakes and/or lines defining the course boundary.
b) On or beyond all roadways and parking areas from the Greenkeepers Compound across to the boundary of the club bordering the railway cutting.
c) Objects defining out of bounds are not obstructions and as such relief without penalty from them is not available.
Penalty Areas (Rule 17)
Red Penalty areas are identified by red stakes, which define the location of the penalty area;
a) When a player’s ball is in a penalty area, including when it is known or virtually certain to be in a penalty area even though not found, the player may take relief using one of the options under Rule 17.1d.
b) Where a ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area between holes 8 and 16 and holes 10 and 14 only, as an extra relief option adding one penalty stroke, the player may drop the original ball or another ball in a relief area using a reference point on the opposite margin of the penalty area estimated to be the same distance from the hole as the estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area.
Size of relief area measured from reference point: Two club-lengths, no nearer the hole.
Abnormal Course Conditions (Rule 16.1)
Ground Under Repair (relief may be taken)
a) Areas enclosed by white lines and/or indicated by GUR signs.
Relief may be taken when the player’s ball lies within the abnormal ground condition or it affects the player’s stance.
Immovable Obstructions (relief may be taken), these include:
b) All roads and pathways, even if not artificially surfaced.
c) Fixed Course furniture.
No Play Zones (relief must be taken)
d) Areas enclosed by blue lines and/or indicated by NPZ signs.
e) Staked or otherwise supported young trees.
f) Newly turfed or newly seeded areas.
Wrong Green (Rule 13.1f) (relief must be taken)
g) Any Temporary green (except where being used on the hole being played).
h) The Normal green on a hole where a temporary green is being used.
Practice area (Rule 5.2 is modified as)
On stroke play competition days a competitor must not practice on the competition course before or between rounds. The defined practice area which can be used on such occasions includes the putting green, chipping/bunker green along with the area to the right of the 14th hole and behind the 1st tee. The practice ground also includes the area beyond the 14th green which lies between the 17th green and 18th green. If a golf ball is mis-hit and ends up in the shaded areas on the diagram, this is not a breach of the rules and will not incur a penalty for the player.
Practicing Before Rounds (Rule 5.2b is modified as)
A player may only practice on the competition course before the following club competitions; Watbee Cup, Presidents Rosebowls, G&B Trophy, Trevillion Cups, Jubilee Bowl Foursomes.
Penalty for Breach of a Local Rule
Unless otherwise determined by a Rule of Golf the penalty for Breach of a Local Rule: General Penalty.
Match Play – Loss of Hole
Stroke Play – Two Strokes
Attention is drawn to the following
Fog, Thunder or Extreme Weather Events
The sounding of the Klaxon (a continuous long blast) during Fog, Thunder or Extreme Weather conditions is a Mandatory Requirements to immediately leave the Course. Your Ball should be marked if you are in a Competition.
The fact that the Course has not been officially closed at any time does not warrant that it is fit or safe for play.
When the adverse condition has passed, two short blasts of the klaxon will indicate the re-commencement of play.
Pace of Play
The R&A recommend a maximum shot-time of 40 seconds (including assessment and receiving yardages). Players should usually be able to play more quickly than that and are encouraged to do so, including (in Stroke Play) by using the Ready Golf procedure detailed in Rule 6.4b(2) (see page 44 of the player’s Edition Rule Book).